Frequently Asked Question
Read the guidelines for usage of Discourse
Last Updated 5 years ago
You can log in to this using your GSuite ID and password for the IITH domain.
You will find multiple categories such as carpooling (offer/seek carpooling or cab sharing), marketplace (buy/sell second-hand items, lend/borrow items/books), lost and found, Science and Technology (share and discuss interesting developments in science and technology), Programming, Academics (discuss share academic articles), Institute Discussion (general discussion regarding campus/institute), Tech Tips (use as our own local StackExchange). We can create more categories if there is sufficient demand.
Apart from categories, you can put tags on a post that best fits the topic/nature of the post.
Please feel to use this as local classifieds or local Quora or StackExchange.
You can use the 'Site Feedback' category to provide feedback on discourse. In case you want your feedback to remain private to discourse moderators, please send an email to
Please note that this forum is open to all (faculty, staff, and students). Therefore, please be civil and polite.
Please read the guidelines for use at
With this, we also urge everyone to not post to faculty/staff/students mailing lists when you want to share a cab, or lost an item, or have a second-hand book for sale, etc.