LDAP account
LDAP is a centralized authentication integrated into many IITH applications like ERP, AIMS, Library E-journals, research apps, administrative office applications, etc.
We create an LDAP account for students, faculty & staff and they can able to log in using the LDAP username and password provided initially in website such as AIMS etc.
For example, for a student who has email id rollnumber@iith.ac.in then his LDAP username would be rollnumber.
Similarly, Faculty/Staff having email id username@xxx.iith.ac.in then username would be username.
If you forgot your LDAP account password, please visit: LDAP account password reset portal https://reset.iith.ac.in/ldap (internal site)
How to change your LDAP/AIMS Password
Note: internal sites are only accessible from IITH WiFi / LAN or VPN.